Let me tell you, I could have used a simple food ordering app for my close to 2 hour lunch ordeal today:
The Chipotle iPhone food ordering app is the first of its kind that I’ve seen that makes ordering food very simple.
You can tell the app developers put a lot of thought in how to make the user interface relatively easy to use and aesthetically appealing. The application is built in a hierarchical manner, whereby a limited list of menu items in which you click to further drill down into additional menu items for more levels of details.
To order food using the app, you of course have to set up an account that includes your credit card. Based on the feedback the application has received, it is better to create your account online rather than through the application.
After clicking the application‘s opening screens and using the location feature to find the Chipotle nearest to you, you have a few ways to get started creating your order. If you want a reminder of Chipotle‘s menu offerings, you click the Food menu button at the bottom of the application. This presents you with clean single-page photos and a short description of Chipotle’s main menu offerings. Granted, because Chipotle is not like say IHOP, with three or four dozen menu offerings, the application is not crammed with too much information. Chipotle‘s main entrĂ©e offerings are presented in 8 pages, in which you slide from page to page with a swipe of your finger.
Read the rest: Chipotle – A Free iPhone Food Ordering App Done Right
chipotle, iphone, app, restaurant, dining, food, chef, cooking, recipe
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