Technorati Tags: thanksgiving, leftovers, beer, wine, drink, drunk, holiday, turkey, turkey dinner, recipe, cooking, food

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Technorati Tags: turkey, bacon, thanksgiving, cooking, recipe, fodIf you’re looking for traditional Thanksgiving turkey recipes, gobble on, because you won’t find any here. From a bird boasting a paprika bikini tan to a roaster wrapped in bacon, these seven Thanksgiving turkey creations are for hosts that just want to have fun.
More here: Pictures of Thanksgiving Turkeys at Thanksgiving ideas
New York chef Sam Mason has a deep voice, tattooed sleeves, hair the color of midnight, and he knows how to wield a butcher's knife. We took notice of the guy when he delivered to the world wide webosphere an original web series, Dinner With The Band, in which he invited indie-music darlings to Brooklyn to cook up something good.Technorati Tags: dinner with the band, ifc, sam mason, chef, cooking, tv, recipe
Needless to say, it didn't take long before people in the teevee took notice, thus IFC's snatching up the series and preparing to air it in Spring 2010. You can catch a sneak peek serving beginning Tuesday, November 24 at 11:00 p.m. EST/PST
Read the rest of this post here: Dinner With The Band - We Liked It, and So Does TV! - Urlesque
In her recent book The Jungle Effect, San Francisco-based physician Daphne Miller — who studied low cancer rates in Okinawa extensively — writes:Technorati Tags: soy, tofu, natto, beans, edamame, soy beans, whole foods, processed foods, food, cooking, recipe
While Okinawans take in over 80 percent of their soy in a relatively unprocessed form as tofu, edamame, soy flour, soy milk, or miso, people in the United States eat a similiar percentage of their soy in a processed form. Our soy foods are heated, mashed, and denatured to create a vast array of substances ranging from Tofurky to fillers for tuna fish to ice-cream sandwiches... while whole foods offer valuable protection, concentrated or denatured derivatives of these foods are having the opposite effect.
The bottom line, at least for now, seems to be that good soy prevent cancer and bad soy might promote cancer. Good soy = tofu, soy sauce, miso, natto, edamame. Bad soy = soy protein powder, energy bars made with soy, fake hot dogs, tofurky.
Read the rest here: Taste Test: natto, gooey fermented soy beans - Boing Boing
Technorati Tags: steakhouse, steak, sandwich, recipe, food, cooking, noms, yum1. Heat a ridged grill pan over high heat until very hot. Cut each steak in half crosswise. Brush the steaks with oil and season with salt and pepper. In batches, add the steaks to the pan and cook, turning once, for about 3 minutes on each side for medium-rare.
2. Meanwhile, mash the cream cheese, blue cheese, and horseradish together. Spread on the toasted rolls.
3. Place a steak on the bottom half of each roll. Top each with tomato slices, onion rings, 2 pickle slices, and a lettuce leaf. Replace the roll tops and secure with wooden toothpicks. Serve at once, with the mustard passed on the side.
Steakhouse Sandwich - iVillage
Technorati Tags: milk, pitcher, food, cooking, recipes
I got all the enjoyment I can get from this picther by looking at the photo. No need to spend $22, as the milk I buy already comes in a carton. Heffer pitcher
I don't know how the guys and gals at Boing Boing always find this stuff, but they do!
The secret: It's not the creepy chemical additive you thought. A couple of weekends ago, I caught an episode of the public radio show "The Splendid Table" with soothingly voiced chef Lynne Rossetto Kasper. The topic was BBQ and I was shocked (Shocked!) to hear Lynne* and her guest recommend liquid smoke as the key to great crockpot pulled pork. In fact, Lynne seemed pretty surprised to hear herself suggest it.Technorati Tags: liquid smoke, recipe, food, cooking
But the truth, my friends, is that sometimes there is a little truth in advertising. And liquid smoke is one of those times.
*We're on a first-name basis like that. In my imagination.
You can be forgiven for wrongfully accusing liquid smoke of nefarious fakey toxic chemicalness. Even chemists have been confused on this one. Back in June, Slashfood interviewed NYU chemistry professor Kent Kirshenbaum, who--like you, me, Lynne Rossetto Kasper and everyone we know--had believed the worst about this cheap, sketchy sounding liquid.
Unlike the rest of us, however, Kirshenbaum actually went out and studied liquid smoke. He found that, despite its synthetic 1950's aura, the stuff is perfectly natural.
What is liquid smoke?
Liquid smoke is very simply smoke in water. Smoke usually comes as a vapor, but there are ways to condense it and turn it into liquid and that liquid can then be carried in water.
How is it different from regular smoke?
Regular smoke is a vapor, and it is difficult to store.
Is one healthier than the other?
It seems that the liquid smoke can be substantially healthier because there are carcinogenic compounds that can be removed. A lot of the carcinogenic compounds [found in direct smoke from charcoal or wood] do not dissolve. But by dissolving the compounds into water, they can be removed.
Read the rest: The Secret of Liquid Smoke - Boing Boing